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- $10 Barnes & Noble eGift Card
- $25 eGift Card
- Groupon $15 eGift Card
- $5 Starbucks eGift Card
This is how it works:
There are a list of actions that you can
complete in order to earn points. Each action is worth 100 points.
So you can get up to 100 points for each action daily.
Each day, do the following actions:
- Visit = 100
- Tweet the home page from the black bar at the bottom = 100
- Pick a post. (See the tabs at the top of the page; Giveaways, Product Reviews, etc.)
- Comment on the post. = 100
- Look at he black bar at the bottom of the page. See the three buttons? (Tweet, G+1, Like). Click all three and the post will be shared on the three different social mediums. = 300
- Pick another post; comment and click all three buttons = 400
In only 13 days you can have a Starbucks Gift Card!
(Do these actions for 22 days for a Barnes & Noble Gift Card, 29 Days for Groupon, and 43 days for
See It Pays To Visit My Site!
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the punchtab add-on and you can earn Gift cards through them. Rjay's Freebies may have received compensation to list websites on this
listing. However no other blog or website received compensation to list
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