Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Family Christmas tree.

In our family, we just had our Christmas tree up. This year we were late. Usually we have it up before the end of November. Yes, I married to Mr. Christmas. My husband must do everything about Christmas. Some of you might be jealous at me because I don't have to do anything or ask for anything. He will put the tree up, put up the Christmas lights and decorate the house.

We went to Christmas tree farm this year and pick one of the tree we, well, actually my husband think it's the best one. (And it is the best one!). We tried to avoid not going when it's dark or rain but we ended up got both. We couldn't wait any longer. As I said, we are so late this year.

When we brought it in the house, we have to put in the tree stand. My husband will make sure that the tree has the right side out and stand straight. He stood and looked from every ankle of the house and make sure everything is good. Our 1 year old daughter, she just copied what ever my husband did. She walked after him around the room and bended down like my husband did to make sure the tree stand straight. She is so funny. Sure bring so much joy to our family.

We are so excited and Christmas is almost here.

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